4 Different Types Of Marketing emails that each course creator needs To Be Educated

May 23, 2024

The webinar about email marketing together with ConvertKit a few weeks ago was so popular that we had them come back to develop more content to share with you. The article Val Gleiser shows us 4 kinds of email that every web-based course creator should be aware to turn subscribers into customers. Don't hesitate, Val!

In this blog, you will find not just a brief overview of the four kinds of marketing email as well as a thorough outline of the best way to get the job completed. At the end of this piece, you'll be armed and equipped to handle the next sequence of launch emails as you watch your marketing strategies transform from dull to elegant fast.

HTML1 Trust & Desire

Have you ever you bought something from a person whom did not feel secure with? Probably not ever (or very rarely). The trust factor is the most important element in every relationship, and your connection with potential customers isn't any more or less. Before you sell anything you need to establish confidence.

Trust building may be a somewhat longer process, so it's time to think about it in advance. If you go out all guns with an "YOU can trust me because I'm telling you I'm trustworthy, so buy my course, PLEASE" This is, um no way to go. Your campaign's length and your sales plan may vary from 3-5 (or possibly more) emails to build trust in your launch sequence.

We'll be using Nathan Barry's book Authority to illustrate. Authority, if you aren't conscious, is a tutorial for self-publishing an ebook. It's an excellent example since Nathan doesn't just offer an ebook through Authority but he also has all of the services which include videos, tutorials, and even interviews. Are you familiar with the name? Yes, Nathan's "ebook" is in fact a complete course. But let's begin by reading the text.

If you're looking for Authority, Nathan offers a Free chapter download from the sale page.

email marketing for course creators

When you sign up, you'll have the option of checking the box which will send you a free 30-day sequence of emails for writing and earning income from self-published novels. The likelihood is high that if you're enthralled by Authority to get the no-cost chapter, then you'll also need to sign up for the series.

Let me tell you what I'm going to let you into right now: inside that 30-day sequence You will be able to see the whole sale process for Authority. Ready to see what Nathan can make it occur? Let's take a look:

email marketing for course creators

Are you more likely purchase from a person willing to share their hard-earned knowledge for free?

Pitch Pitch

When you're designing the sequence of emails to promote the course that you've spent time working for, it only is logical to pitch the course. If you aren't marketing your course, this is a great activity. To make a income from your courses it is necessary to market to your mailing list, which is why this section of the sequence is the place it happens.

email marketing for course creators

It's important to avoid making it into an "ShamWOW sales pitch". What I'm referring to is it's your job in the email to introduce your course, outline the contents of your course, and most importantly, explain what it is that matters to them. This can be done by utilizing a variety of methods by using the following message: Nathan offers a peek at the insides of his course with the addition of an interview with the guest in his email sequence. Trust and desire? Check. Direct pitch? Yep. This is how he wraps up the email:

email marketing for course creators


At this point in your mail sequence for launching your class, you're looking to go back to providing the most valuable and educational service. If someone wants you to buy some item from them and you decide not to buy now, would you rather they didn't contact you in the future? Let me use my reasoning skills in deductive ways here and presume that the answer is no. It's the same with the people you want to reach. Keep educating and establishing trust, and develop a sense of desire to engage your target audience following your pitching.

email marketing for course creators


An introduction to the story:

     Just 10 minutes away from my home is a vast array of shops and stores that are located in an extremely walkable and hospitable area in town. There are coffee shops, eateries, bars and condominiums. Apart from the beverage options and food is several high(er) high-end boutiques. Recently, I visited one of shops to look around and see what's available. I knew that I'd love their store and knew there was sure to be items that inspired me.

     After we had a chat for some time about my personal home and style preferences, the shop's owner recommended a Mid-Century Modern Queen bed frame I didn't know I had to buy. I was immediately fascinated and immediately sent images to my husband as I thought about how to fit it into my Honda CR-V and get it into my own home. After saying "let me consider it" after running around the shop for a while prior to leaving, I made the decision to go get an cold coffee, and then walk around the streets a bit.

     When I came back to the shop, I was unsure on what I would like to buy, the proprietor snatched the elephant-shaped bookends. The owner walked up to me. "I am just unpacking these items and I thought you'd be thrilled with how they look. What ever you decide to make of your bed, these sheets will be a great addition to your home any time. And, these sheets in a bamboo-like design will be an ideal addition to any room, especially if you have those bookends that you are using within your bedroom."

     It was his right of course but I was able to be influenced by the man. I'd remove the frame from my bed (since I had a comfortable bed at home) and then take the elephants out and sheets (which clearly fit quite well in my CR-V).

And what exactly does that personal meeting have to do with your course sales? This was a defiant sale at the moment by the proprietor of the store You can also apply the same approach to the potential purchasers of your course.

If you're using a robust marketing system for email (like ConvertKit) It will allow you to identify your customers when they go through your email sequence. You might have some people choose to sign up for your service following the initial email, while others may make it to #6 or 7 and wonder which option to take. It's time to dive in to the sales pitch by creating your own unique variant of bookends and sheets.

email marketing for course creators
tagging inside ConvertKit

Once your event is finished, you can send a discount invitation to those who showed interest in your course but did not purchase (those details will be included in tags generated via clicks in the previous emails and after purchasing the course). It is possible to offer a less expensive version of the course, with more ways to pay, or an economical version of your full course.

Giving a discount could add hundreds, or perhaps thousands of dollars to your margins for profit. Additionally, you've now built a customer out of someone who wouldn't have been one. In the field of sales, a cliche saying is applicable it's better to retain a customer rather than trying to build an entirely new one.

It's safe to say that I've been an avid customer of the shop that sells bamboo bookends a ceramic elephant and printing sheets.

 This is Your Time

Making an email sequence for your next course launch is easy right now. You have the outline as well as an instance. However, it is more important to are aware of the reasons why it is so important. If you have the four essential elements in place - enthusiasm and conviction, pitch, education, and possibly downselling, your marketing via email for the next class will get going off with flying colors. And when you see your profits rising because of your email marketing strategies You can decide to include email on the top of your list for each course you start starting from this point onwards.

Val Geisler is a yogi, mom, military wife and a dedicated podcast listener. Val is passionate about making content and sharing it with others that actually makes a difference in the world by engaging with her friends via the blog, and doing more in less time.

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