14 Email Strategies for Building Lists 2023 |

Mar 28, 2023

Anyone who's ever followed a marketing expert or taken a webinar knows that an email list is an essential part of the business. While social media platforms come and go, email is STILL ruler of the world of marketing. The majority of us get up in the morning to check it. The majority of us are exuberant when we see something that is valuable.

The growing popularity of email indicates that it's essential to any strategy for marketing. It's also something that marketing professionals rely upon... this list. In the year 2000, HubSpot did a roundup of some email statistics and reported that there are 4 billion email users per day 64percent of small-sized businesses employ email marketing and 77 percent of marketers have witnessed an INCREASE in engagement via email!

That's awesome. But it makes building an email list a top priority.

No matter if you have no list, or just a handful of hundreds, or even thousands, it's likely that you would like to grow it. So in this article, we'll walk through the steps to create an email list including some successful and tried-and-true techniques.

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        In this piece...    

    The secrets of building email lists

    How to create an email list (14 methods)

      1. Pop-ups

      2. In-Line

      3. Header or footer bars

      4. Landing pages

      5. Paid advertisements

      6. Community

      7. Subscribing subs to the information

      8. eBook

      9. Quizzes


      11. Webinars

      12. Virtual event

      13. In-person event

      14. Partnerships


The secrets for building an email list


  • Targeted personas. You must know which people you really want to include in your database and who you don't.      
  • A clear value proposition. You offer value and continue to follow up by sending emails that are effective.    
  • In a sales funnel. If you're creating an email list in order to expand your company, you shouldn't simply want your customers to join. Email campaigns must be placed within the sales funnel.    
  • Great subject lines and solid content. It is important that people open your email and be thankful that they did. A lot of companies are spamming and losing clients' trust through poor emails.    
  • Segmentation of the market. Not every customer wants to receive the same service. It's possible to tailor the value that you provide by breaking down your subscribers into segments.    

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How to build an email list (14 methods)

1. Pop-ups

If you have a website, it's hard to deny that pop-ups are effective. So many studies have shown that pop-ups generate more subscribers to emails than any other way used on your website.

Although they can feel somewhat annoying, you can alter the pop-ups to ensure that they won't appear until people have read the majority of your material. So, you're attracting people who've already received something from your site.

You can also determine how frequently visitors should see pop-ups if they return frequently to your website.

There's a reason you're still getting pop-ups even in 2023. They're effective. If you're not making use of these, you're missing out on possible subscribers.

Here are some ways to make your pop-ups successful:


  • Create a concise offer: "Get our step-by-step instructions to get 10 new clients during the week" is so much better than "Want your company to expand?"      
  • Simple and appealing visually. High contrast, but not excessive wording.      
  • Keep the required fields at a minimum. A first name and email address is the most effective. If you request too much, people are less likely to complete it.    
  • Give them something of value in their inbox the minute you sign-up .      

2. In-Line

The inline opt-in is an alternative to the pop-up's annoying counterpart. Many people choose this as it is less intrusive. Alternatively, they might have a pop-up plus on-line deals.

An inline opt-in basically lives within the content of your website. As readers are scrolling through the text, they'll see an opt-in box offering readers something. In some instances, it's as simple as "join our mailing list. "

Inline opt-ins may bring in less visitors, but they will be high-quality leads that really want to hear from you.

3. Bars for the foot or head of the bar

One final way to generate emails through a blog or website can be done using header or footer bars. These work a lot like the other opt-ins, but they can be placed between the content or above it, and usually remain at the same level as a user scrolls.

The same guidelines we talked about above apply. Keep it simple. Offer value.

4. Pages for landing

What happens if you do not have any website?

The thing is, it's not necessary to have to have one. It's easy to set up a one-page landing page using a tool like Convertkit or ClickFunnels. They let you create your list of email subscribers without having a web-based site, and they allow you to create awesome landing pages and opt-ins which are separate and hosted.

5. Paid advertisements

Once you have some way for collecting email addresses, something we talked about earlier, you can use paid advertisements as an option for driving visitors. If you only have a Convertkit landing page You need something to your ads to point towards.

After that then you are able to invest in paid advertising. Advertising is a discipline by itself, but here are two simple methods to consider it:


  • Social media advertisements This is when you utilize a social media platform like Facebook to custom design an audience , and then place an advertisement placed in front of them. Many social media platforms let you pick from various types of demographics. You can filter your target audience by age, location, interests or interests. In the case of Facebook you can buy ads to users who have liked pages in your niche already.    
  • Google CPC ads: this is the time to advertise on Google by bidding on certain phrases. If people type the keywords into google the page is shown in the top results with a link that is sponsored.    

Both of these options are two of the most commonly used forms of internet advertising-not the only options. However, in general, all advertisement must drive users to a website where they can enter their email in.

6. Community

A highly effective and low-cost method to grow your email list is through a group. A platform like Mighty to develop a gorgeous community space with discussion boards messages, profile profiles for members and much more. Then, you just invite people in!

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It could be absolutely free. This means that customers will be enticed to give up their email address to sign up for an account knowing they'll find a great deal of value from. You are then growing not only your list as well as your reach because people within your network will be able to benefit from the services you have to offer.

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7. Request subs to forward it

This is one of the least known methods of build your email list. Utilize the existing subscribers.

These are the people who signed up to get your messages. They already know who you are, and they are curious about the things you've got to say.

If you want to grow your list of subscribers, you'll need to add worth to your emails that they forwarded to someone else and state, "You gotta read this! "

Instead of waiting for them to forward, why not ask themto forward it? If you have created a valuable email, ask them to forward it to a friend. Add an address for your website's landing page inside the message itself. It is possible to include the option of a reward or referral link to incentivize users to forward emails.

8. eBook

Publishing an eBook might seem to be a huge undertaking. If you've got an important message to share and feel that you're the person to say it, why not?

Of course, you can make an eBook available on sites such as Amazon. You could even use it as an opt-in. There's a lot of opt-ins on the market. However, very few offer an ebook. I hope that this will make the experience more appealing to your audience and they'll consider it more serious.

There's a good thing, your eBook doesn't have to read like War and Peace. If it's just 30 or 40 pages, if it's well-organized and extremely useful, it's likely to serve as an opt-in.

9. Quizzes

The fact is that quizzes are among the top emails-building tools available. If you've tried an online personality test or "Which Disney princess am I?" quiz, you already know that you've put your email in that thing.

A certain intensity and excitement of a test can turn us from skeptical, rational readers to "Shut up and grab my email address!! "

If you can integrate a game of some sort onto your website, you might have the key to an effective opt-in.


The trend is waning, but downloads are still being used. When you land on websites and are presented with the option to "download our free ebook," you're looking at the possibility of a download opt-in.

Downloads of PDF files are most likely to be the most common. But things like templates and worksheets, calculators, even coloring pages can make great downloads.

11. Webinars

Webinars have been the darling of internet marketers for more than a decade. And this is because they excel at creating email lists.

Webinars give you the exciting feeling of a live training, especially if it's with a big-name person who you are following.

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You'll receive a link. Then you go to the webinar and watch the webinar. Easy as that.

If you're list-building, can you design a webinar that can be beneficial to those who are interested in joining? Can you make it available gratis, for instance, as a lead-generator in order to encourage subscribers to sign-up? It can be live or pre-recorded-either one can be great to build an email list.

12. Virtual event

If you're in search of a way to grow your email subscriber list, you should consider an event that is live! Create a important and thrilling live event and making it known is a great opportunity to attract new customers on your email list.

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You could do things like interviews, or even free training. Heck, even coworking or networking sessions could be a possibility.

If you are able to invite your audience to something they'll be thrilled over, and add an option to sign up to get the people you want to add them to your database.

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13. In-person event

What about arranging an in-person or hybrid event to increase your list of email subscribers? It's common to think of email as a form of online marketing, however there's absolutely no reason to think that a solid in-person event can't also aid in growing your email list.

The event must be advertised and come up with something people will want to come to. Gather emails as part of the process: whether they register to attend or once they're at the celebration.

14. Partnerships

When you're considering ways to grow your email list you've probably thought to you there exist creators that have many thousands of customers on their lists - people whom you would like to be your perfect clients or clients.

Strategic partnerships can be super valuable. It could be as easy such as appearing as the guest on a podcast or creating an article for the most popular site. If you are able to capitalize on someone else's audience, you are growth-hacking your own.

The best method to accomplish this? You should probably invite people who have large audiences to appear on the platforms you control. For instance, let's say you have an influencer within your industry that has 10,000 followers. If you ask that person to participate in live streams or webinars together with you for an interview, you've given them a reason to promote it to their list. But any sort of registrations will be taking place from your side and adding to the list of people you're inviting.

Partnerships have been tested and proven. Find out which one works best for you, and make sure you have a mutually advantageous arrangement. But a great partnership can grow your email list quickly.


We hope that this post has given you some exciting options in how you can increase your email lists! You don't need to do all of these things. Only focusing only the one or two and figuring out what works best for you and your company will work.

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