#1 Podia Alternative
What makes CreativeMindClass better over Podia?
This is an important question, and one we can't solve completely and without prejudice. Therefore, rather than completing another tedious side-by-side comparison of functions, let's share some useful features are exclusive to CreativeMindClass.
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9 amazing ways to use CreativeMindClass
There's plenty of overlap features between CreativeMindClass as well as Podia But, CreativeMindClass offers a variety of different functions, too.
1. Unlimited COURSES
Create a long-lasting online course for business
Gain complete control over your classes and students with no programming. You can host unlimited content and also create feedback, communities, and blog posts.
2. Payments
Sell one class or a large number of classes
Utilize the single-step checkout form and accept online payments (via Stripe) to sell your courses across the World.
countries payment methods

Give assignments and get them on your dashboard
Students may upload their exercise documents right after the lesson they have had just seen.

Kommentar on upload assignments
Create relationships with students and type comments for better learning and greater involvement.
Get files with homework Give Feedback to

Provide video tutorials and offer multiple downloadable file types
Upload videos, texts or audio files in addition to images and PDFs as well as downloadable files in the same lesson for the flexibility to teach exactly what you're required to cover.
Additionally, there are flies that can be used for work such as PSDs, AIs, and so on.

CreativeMindClass platform is the best for building videos for your courses.

Platform is ready for use. Today.
Create a site quickly. The only thing you'll need is upload your content.
A pre-built home page with Upsells
Pages to land
Checkout page with one-click
Payments integrated

Make pages that convert to your brand
Get optimized course landing pages featuring your avatar, bio and space's name for great branding.

8. Community
Make a site and post on it
Create posts that encourage your audience to stick around and to take part in more activities.
The Community feature in CreativeMindClass could be thought of as being an "Facebook group" on your own website.

9. Studying how to structure the course
Make sure things are in order
Utilize drag&drop to quickly organize your material into classes. Create sections, lessons, exercise and save your work.

Get started
An online platform for hosting the online videos of your courses as well as establishing a social networking. Get started now, there's free
No credit card needed.
Article was first seen on CreativeMindClass
Article was first seen on here